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Klasični potpis Takinaksave. Proizveden je od posebno obrađene tkanine od filca. Pruža udobnu upotrebu zbog lakoće filcane tkanine. Apsolutno ne postoji mogućnost da se naši crteži izbrišu protiv vode i izblede. Podesive trake od 100% pamuka. Koža (1. klase) koju koristimo na zadnjoj strani, vaše telo neće doći u kontakt sa filcem ni na koji način. Ova karakteristika čini naše torbe dostupnim 4 sezone. Otporan je na vodu. Ne bi trebalo da bude izložen teškoj vodi. Ono što naše proizvode čini jedinstvenim i posebnim je to što su svaki ručno rađeni. Unutra je džep. Dimenzije: 41 * 30 * 11 cm 19 litara





Classic signature of Takinaksava. It is produced from specially treated felt fabric. It provides a comfortable use becaouseof the lightness of the felt fabric. There is absolutely no possibility of our drawings being erased against water and fading. Adjustable straps made of 100% cotton. The leather (1st class) we use on the back, your body will not come into contact with felt in any way. This feature makes our bags available for 4 seasons. It is water resistant. It should not be exposed to heavy water. What makes our products unique and special is that each one is handmade. It has a pocket inside. Dimensions: 41 * 30 * 11 cm 19 Liter


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